Every Monday night Inspire hosts a community music night, Music Mondays - sometimes with a performing artist, sometimes with open mike and whatever instruments appear. Because this is Germany, they serve coffee, wine and beer from the bar and seek to make a welcome space for building redemptive relationships. I attended Music Monday on May 18. About 60 people showed up for the fifth such gathering - a rousing success. They had hoped for 25.

At first all the people were gathered inside, listening to the musician. But I decided to take my glass of Reisling and step outside to sit at a cafe table where I could hear the music but watch the people go by. Once i sat down, people began to take greater notice of the music and the man sitting with a glass of wine at a cafe table. Others came to sit alongside me at my table and the adjacent tables. Soon there were 15 people gathered outside the music venue on a warm spring evening. And they were all smoking, but me.
conversations began to develop, among friends, and between total
strangers. Some people wanted to know more about Inspire, about what I
was doing in Germany. There was only one church person among the
group - a very nice young man with a deep love for Christ and a passion
for music. The rest were just neighbors.
Barry commented as he looked at those gathered, "This is what we hoped would happen when we opened this space - that people would gather and relationships would form." I remembered the community center I helped to plant some 16 years ago back in Gulf Breeze, Florida - I recalled that some of our best catches (people wise) were smokers - and folks with some aversion to coming too far in at first. I recall onetime seeing several of our Florida smokers, sitting at a picnic table behind our building, lost in great conversation. I looked at the wonderful people smoking and conversing in front of Inspire on Music Monday and gave thanks for a church that put out cafe tables for the people who are not yet sure they wish to walk through the doors.
Barry commented as he looked at those gathered, "This is what we hoped would happen when we opened this space - that people would gather and relationships would form." I remembered the community center I helped to plant some 16 years ago back in Gulf Breeze, Florida - I recalled that some of our best catches (people wise) were smokers - and folks with some aversion to coming too far in at first. I recall onetime seeing several of our Florida smokers, sitting at a picnic table behind our building, lost in great conversation. I looked at the wonderful people smoking and conversing in front of Inspire on Music Monday and gave thanks for a church that put out cafe tables for the people who are not yet sure they wish to walk through the doors.
I came away thinking that more churches need smoking sections
- safe spaces where the neighbors can be themselves and we can get to
know them, and they us. Of course less people smoke in the USA than in
Europe at the moment, and it is not that we want to encourage smoking.
My thought about this is somewhat metaphorical, but not entirely. It
is hard to find any place for people who smoke to gather and be
community anymore. Why can't the church follow the example of the
United Methodists in Chemnitz and provide such a space? The Holy
Spirit could do some amazing work in such space. Amazing work.
invite you to pray for Barry and Jill and the team of 8 persons who
are launching Inspire. Pray for them as they create safe space, as
they find ways to invite people to consider Gospel ideas and as they
strategize about how to develop a Christian faith community in one the
most thoroughly NONE zones on the planet.
This is truly a great read for me. I have bookmarked it and I am looking forward to reading new articles. Keep up the good work!. dab rigs